Life During Lockdown Essay in English for Students

Life During Lockdown Essay in English for Students – Lockdown Experience Essay in English for Students, The lockdown experience was new for everyone in the world. We never thought that one day the whole world will be shut down and caged in their homes. Coronavirus is responsible for the mass destruction and lockdown we faced for so long in our lives. The virus impacted everyone equally and didn’t even spare the children from its deadly and unpleasant grasp.

Lockdown was initiated in all the countries to stop the spreading of Coronavirus and we were also successful in many ways. It was very hard to understand what is going on and when the world will go back to normal. Markets, schools, parks, and streets everything were empty. Everyone has to go through the pain of being locked in their homes. Curfew held us back, but there are many things that we learned during this time period.

life during lockdown essay in english for students
life during lockdown essay in english for students

Life During Lockdown Essay in English for Students

Lockdown Essay in English for Students

My lockdown experience was like any other. My father was affected by Coronavirus and was immediately hospitalized. I am thankful to God that he recovered from this deadly virus and came back home to us. I learned many things like how important my family is to me. I used to ask my father many questions like how he felt. He told me how bad the condition of people was in the hospitals. Everyone was struggling to breathe.

My mother is a doctor and she was a corona warrior. I hardly saw her home because she was instructed not to go home until her she was over with her duty. After one month I saw my mother but she was on a 14-day quarantine period. I used to take care of my mother though I was not allowed near her. It was a pain in the heart to see everyone in such a condition.

My friend’s father is a policeman so we used to talk on a video call with each other. My parents were astonished to see how understanding I and my brother was when they needed it the most. For me, lockdown experience was painful and full of a learning experience. I learned that I can paint; I had very good taste in movies and music.

I and my grandparents became closest friends because they were taking care of me and my brother when my parents were fighting with Coronavirus. My mother before leaving for her duty explained to us what was happening and what we should do to be safe from Covid 19.

She had tears in her eyes when she left us and it was heartbreaking. I realized that my responsibility for being a big brother is more than anyone now.  My brother used to throw tantrums to meet my mother, thankfully he listen to me as I bargained for my sweets and toys with him.

I made a deep connection with my brother as we used to spend a lot of time together. Me my brother and my grandparents used to play carom board in the evening which was a great time pass.

Lockdown Experience Essay in English for Students

One thing that I got connected with was my creativity. I don’t know how many things I learned from youtube during this time period.  I am not a fan of playing video games instead I like watching videos. I also used to watch the news to know what is happening and what we will have to face in the future. I knew we had to stay at home for a quite long period as everyone was saying the same.

I also learned humility because there were many animals who were roaming hungry in my colony. I and my brother used to feed them food with our society guard. I also learned many things about our society’s security guard. He is old and very charming. He used to tell us a story about his village and how he once fought a tiger that entered his village. 

His stories were amazing and he was the only one we were close to. He never used to leave the building and never allowed outsiders to protect us from Coronavirus. I made a new friend and I learned that everyone should be respected. In normal times I never even said hello to our security guard.

There were many other great experiences like I made a new bird friend. One day a bird just sat in my window. It was like she is asking me to feed her. I fed her and from that day she used to visit my window sat down waited for its feed. I took many videos of the bird and also showed them to my friends.

My friends were amazed to see how animals are also facing the bad circumstances of Coronavirus. That day we learned to help other life that exists with us on this beautiful planet. I also learned how much harm humans can produce knowingly and unknowingly. Humans were responsible for their own fate that we experienced during Coronavirus. Everywhere we saw death and all of a sudden even children got matured.

My Experience During Lockdown Paragraph

I love to be outside and this was something that was bothering me. I was desperate to go to school and meet my friends but it looked impossible.  My mother used to call us every day and we used to discuss every little thing like what I did all day. It was a stressful time for all of us but with god’s grace, we are through these hard times.

We saw generosity everywhere, we also saw how nature can bloom if we don’t interfere, streams of rivers were getting their glory back and I also learned that the ozone layer has started healing. I learned so many things that I am going to keep with me till my last breath. I am going to help others and will respect my parents.

I will listen to them and my friends have also become more important to me. The lockdown experience was like a roller coaster ride. Someday I was full of fear and someday I enjoyed learning new things. I guess this is life and Coronavirus made us realize many things.

This is life during lockdown essay in english for students, from this entire article, we cover information regarding paragraph on my experience during lockdown. If found anything missing let us know by commenting below. For more info kindly visit us at

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