My Father is My Hero Essay in English, It is said that fathers are the toughest in the family. It is also in the nature of the man to be strict on the outside. When we talk about father we think of the pillars of our house. Fathers have a very important role to play in any child’s life and I am glad that I have the best father in the world. Like any other child, my father is my hero. I find consistent inspiration from my father.
My Father is My Hero Essay in English
My Dad My Hero Essay in English in 250 Words
My father is tough, funny and the most wonderful person I know. He is my father and friend. I share everything with my father. Being his firstborn and a girl I am his favorite child. I have seen him doing great things and this is why I always wish to be like him.
He is not a businessman or a celebrity but he is the most amazing person. He loves animals, he is compassionate, he respects my mother and he loves his family. When it comes to responsibilities he is just the best. When I need him he is always there which the best thing in my life is.
He guides me, he supports me through tough times and he helps me in making good decisions in life. Sometimes he also gets strict but it is okay because I know that he will always do the right thing for his daughter. My father helps in completing my projects and also helps me with my studies. I always approach him for my assignments and he never says no to me.
He also takes us on trips and vacations which makes him the best dad. I always hear my friends complaining that their fathers don’t have time for them. But my father has NO word disappeared from his dictionary. He always takes out time for his family. He is also a great son. My grandparents always talk about him.
My Father is My Real Hero Essay
My father is a successful man and I wish to become like him one day. I wish to become as compassionate, focused, and successful as he is in his life. Everything about my father is inspiring. Even my friends like to spend time with him because of his friendly and funny nature.
He likes a simple life and he is appreciated by everyone for his virtues in life. He has enough money but he likes to live simply. He has also taught us the importance of being humble and simple. He has always given me and my brother the best life. He watches movies with us, plays games, goes on hiking and adventurous trips.
He loves to spend time with us and I wait for the times when we go on family trips. My father is having an adventurous spirit and he is curious about everything. I think I have got half of my brave things from my father. My father is totally opposite to my mother and best in his own way.
I don’t like going to malls and movie theatres and this is why he plans hiking trips with me alone. I and my father had many adventures together. We go on hiking for ten days every year in the mountains. He has taught me to make shelters, how to survive in the wild.
He loves spending time in nature and I l too. This is the feeling that cannot match the feeling of having even the most expensive gift. My holiday trips are the best. My friends say me and my father are the best duos they know.
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My Father My Hero My Inspiration Essay
My father is great-looking and a healthy man. He participates in the marathon and also does a lot of charity. He is known as a kind and respectful man in our community. He always thinks of helping others and this is why he is an angel on earth for me. Everything good in me is because of my parents. They are the best parents because they are great as individuals.
My father is definitely the backbone of our family. He takes care of the entire family. Our grandparents also live with us because my father loves his parents very much. This is another blessing in our lives. We have learned a lot of things from our parents and grandparents.
He always takes full responsibility for his family and tells us to walk in the food step of humanity and kindness. He is a well-coordinated man and never gets late when it comes to fulfilling his responsibilities. He takes care of the bread and butter of 7 souls. He never let down his family and always tackles things with great maturity.
When I have bad days my father takes me on long drives and buys me ice cream. He knows how to handle his teenage children. My father is a real sweetheart and I have not seen him in bad mood ever in my life. I think he hides his stress and tension behind his jolly nature. He never makes us sad and always gives us the best.
My father is a soft-hearted person who loves his family, nature, and animals. He has a garden where he works every weakened and I have learned a lot of things from him about gardening. He repairs everything and even has a specific set of skills that no other has when it comes to carpentry. He can carve anything out of wood and also have a workshop in our garage.
I have created in me because of him and I enjoy lots of appreciation because of my creativity. My projects in school are always the best because my father guides me through everything. He makes me work on my own but is always there to help me when I get stuck. I feel safe when he is around because I know he will always be there when I will need him this is what great fathers do they are always there for their beloved kids. I am thankful and blessed to have my father who is also my hero.
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