Essay on Visit to a Zoo, People enjoy visiting zoos with their family members and loved ones. In schools and colleges, students also visit zoos to know more about the wildlife. A zoo can be a wonderful place to see animals firsthand. Once you visit a zoo, you can also come to know about what they eat, their environment, habitats, and all kinds of other interesting facts about animals. We can also call them zoological gardens.
I also enjoy exploring the wildlife in zoos with my friends. I am a big fan of watching animals living in their habitats. This is the main reason why I often visit zoos in my surroundings. Today, I am going to talk about my visit to a zoo. Let’s read the essay on a visit to a zoo:

Essay on Visit to a Zoo
A Visit to a Zoo Essay in English
Zoos are beautiful places, where we can explore nature very closely. These days, zoos are becoming more sophisticated and better places for animals. If we see the zoos developed in the past times, they were somewhat cruel to animals. At that time, animals were not placed in suitable environments in zoos and also the things were not according to the interests of the animals.
But nowadays, the scenario has changed a lot. today’s zoos are doing wonderful jobs for animals while carrying out research on animals, knowing their habitats, eating and sleeping patterns, and much more. It states that they are more concerned about taking care of animals at the best level.
I am also keen to get information about animals, how they live, what they eat, how they sleep, and what activities they do. Different animals have different living patterns. By visiting zoos, we can explore such things very easily and safely as animals are kept in cages. Not only animals but even there are birds and insects too in zoos. Let’s have a look at my experience of visiting a zoo:
Paragraph on Visit to a Zoo
I believe that zoos are a good and charming visiting place for all of us. There are animals, birds, and insects we can see in the zoo. By visiting a zoo, we can learn a lot of things and get a lot of information. Of course, we cannot visit national parks with our families and children because they are risky. But zoos are somehow a safe place to visit. At the same time, they are also joyful for children to see animals, birds, and insects.
It was the season of winter. I and my friend planned to visit a zoo, which is located just 10 km from my home. It was a lovely picnic to visit a zoo. My friend’s brother was also with us, who was just 10 years old at that time. He was very thrilled to visit a zoo and watch the activities of animals and birds.
Before going to the zoo, we had our breakfast and then started our journey. We went there by car. We reached a zoo by 9’ o clock in the morning. When we approached the main gate, there was a huge crowd there. We went to the ticket counter, where I stood in a queue to buy the tickets for the 3 of us.
I saw other people standing in my surroundings, some of them were using their phones, while others were discussing the things they will do once they enter the zoo. It was a thrilling atmosphere in my surroundings.
After buying the tickets, we entered the zoo. First, we saw a beautiful lake, where many aquatic birds like swans and ducks were swimming. They were looking so charming. As we moved further, they were some flying birds, which were kept there.
These were eagles, sparrows, pigeons, and sparrows. There were varieties of these flying birds to see. They were chirping. The atmosphere was seeming like a piece of enchanting music. My friend’s little brother was really enjoying these moments.
A Visit to a Zoo Composition
In the next section, we watched some animals, like lions, tigers, tigresses, and leopards. Their roars were loud. They were kept in strong cages so that they could not come out of them and harm any person. We came closer to the net, where we saw a lion rushing towards us. We got frightened. But they did not harm us at all.
After that, we entered a beautiful garden, where animals like deer, stags, etc., were frisking about. They were looking beautiful. On one side of the garden, we came across some baboons and monkeys jumping on a huge tree. Their pranks and tricks were very pleasing. I saw some children there, who were teasing these animals.
Our next section was a big and elegant aquarium. It was the place, where we all wanted to go with huge curiosity. There were many aquatic birds in an aquarium. We also saw different species of fish having different colors and patterns on their bodies. They were fidgeting in the water, which was an enjoyable view. We also saw crocodiles in a pond, next to the aquarium. There was also a hippopotamus in the next pond following crocodiles.
There was also a section, where the snakes and lizards of different types and species were kept. They all were in safe places. We felt excited to see them in their cages. After roaming for around 3 hours, we all were tired. So, we decided to sit in the garden for some time and take some rest. There was a cafeteria near the garden, where we had some snacks and drinks. The food was completely yummy, which made our picnic more pleasurable.
In the end, I just want to say that it is not easy to describe all the sections of a zoo in a detailed manner. So, we enjoyed ourselves there. It was a good and memorable experience for all of us, especially for my friend’s little brother as it was his first visit to a zoo. Around 3 pm, we rushed to our homes. It is all about our visit to a zoo. We will definitely want to go to a zoo the next time if we get a chance and gather some nice memories.
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