Essay on Ramzan in English In India, there are different types of religions. This is why people of different religions and communities live in India. All religions have their customs, traditions, and festivals to celebrate. The Muslim community in India also celebrates a number of festivals. Ramzan is considered to be a vital festival of Muslims. On this day, the entire Muslim community is happy and joyful.
They celebrate this festival to spread love, unity, and fraternity. It is the favorite time of the year among Muslim people.

Essay on Ramzan in English
Essay on Ramadan in English
It is also known as Ramadan. It is a holy month for people of the Muslim community. They offer prayers and do fasting during the whole month. Ramzan Eid is also known by the name of Eid Al Fitr. When this day comes, it marks the end of the fasting period.
On the day of Eid, there is a religious holiday in the country. This festival of Muslims is celebrated across numerous parts of the country. Not only in India, but even this festival is also celebrated in other countries where Muslims live in huge numbers.
Ramzan is the 9th month of the Islamic Calendar. According to Muslims, this month serves as the most sacred month. During this period, Muslim people in India and other parts of the world totally desist from water and food from dawn to dusk.
This entire period for fasting in a day is known as a spiritual period. Throughout this period, they do additional prayers and perform acts of charity. It is believed that it is a time to regret any sins a person has done and get closer to the Almighty.
During this entire month, people try to evolve devotion to the Almighty and look for forgiveness. It is like cleansing and purification for the soul. When the sighting of the new moon takes place, it cheers Muslim people as this day marks the starting period of the holy month.
Ramzan Festival Essay in English
When the first semicircular moon is sighted shortly after the sunset, it is a day marking the end of the holy month of Ramadan. On this day, Eid Al Fitr is celebrated. The new month, Shawwal is being started on this day. It is one of the most special and auspicious festivals among Muslim people.
They look very happy and excited throughout the entire month, especially on the day of Eid Al Fitr. This day brings joy to Muslim people as it signifies the ending period of the long month of fasting. On this day, the government has declared a gazetted holiday in India.
Why do Muslims celebrate Ramzan?

The entire month of Ramzan holds importance to a great extent. The reason is that during this month, the holy book of Muslims, the Quran, the word of Allah for humanity, was publicized through Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam.
This is why Muslims perform the recitation of their holy book for the entire month. The whole month seems to be very auspicious. Muslims observe Roza and Namaz. The last days of Ramzan are very special and they call it the ‘night of power.’ All Muslims are filled with the spirit of reverence and piety.
How do Muslims celebrate Ramzan?
Muslims have a unique way to celebrate the entire month of Ramzan. The Muslims are intended to observe fast for 29 or 30 days, which depends on the sighting of the moon. The month of Ramzan starts with the sighting of the new moon and ends after the sighting of the new moon in the next month.
This period of fasting is called Roza. Ramzan is the month for self-restraint, self-introspection, prayers, and penance. The Roza is broken at the end of every single day by eating snacks and food. The food they eat to break Roza is known as the Iftaar. Muslims share their food with relatives, family members, and other loved ones.
This month is celebrated all over India. Even children are very happy and enthused because they get gifts and money on the day of Eid, known as Eidy. They join their elders at mass prayers in mosques or at homes and pay their respect to them.
The markets are full of joy. People visit markets to buy new clothes and accessories for Eid prayers. This is how the atmosphere of happiness, colorful joy, and brotherhood is witnessed everywhere during this month.
Prayers are held at all mosques, the holy place of Muslims, all over India. Jama Masjid is the most popular mosque in Delhi. In mosques, the scene looks like a fair. There are festivities, shops, games, and stalls for adults and children.
The day of Eid Al Fitr spreads a message of friendship, peace, and brotherhood that is displayed by Eid Milan, which means embracing and celebrating together. Eid Milan is performed after Eid prayers at mosques where all Muslims hug each other.
Muslims invite friends, relatives, and business connections to their homes for Eid Milan. They are served festive food, which includes Sewaiyaan or Paisam. Other delicacies like malpua, sheer kurma, and phirni are prepared. Sweets made of dry fruits and dates are eaten and shared.
The last days of Ramzan hold much more importance in the Muslim community as these days serve as the faithful watch for Lailathul Qadr. It is assumed that during these 10 days, the revelation of the book to the Prophet was finished. This is how they call it the climax of Ramzan. Muslim people keep awake all night and do prayers or listen to sermons by high priests.
Celebrities in India also celebrate this festival with happiness. They hold Iftaar parties throughout the entire month of Ramzan and on the special day of Eid. Eid Al Fitr is a time to meet, greet, and celebrate.
Devotees visit many mosques across the country to offer prayers. Even a morsel of food or sip of water can cancel the fast throughout the month of Ramzan. Hence, after a period of observing severe rigors, the entire community of Muslims all over India look delighted in celebrating the festival of Eid Al Fitr. It is the month of thanksgiving and celebration.
This is an essay on Ramzan in English, from this entire article, we cover information regarding Ramzan festival short essay in English, 10 sentences about Ramadan in English. If found anything missing let us know by commenting below. For more info kindly visit us at