Deepawali Essay in English

Deepawali: A Festival Of Happiness And Lights

Deepawali Essay in English India is a nation, where we celebrate a variety of occasions and festivals with happiness and excitement. Among others, Diwali is one of the auspicious and biggest festivals celebrated all over the country. Not only in India, but this festival has its popularity in other parts of the world like Canada, Australia, and the USA where most of the Indian people live. This festival comes with peace, happiness, prosperity, success, and wealth in our lives.

deepawali essay in english
deepawali essay in english

Deepawali Essay in English

Diwali Celebration Essay in English

Why do we Celebrate Diwali Essay in English

Diwali, the festival of lights, welcomes in the winter season. During this festival, we see happiness, joy, and enthusiasm in our surroundings. It is celebrated in the Hindu month of Kartika for 5 days.

It also comes with a series of new occasions like Dhanteras, Goverdhan, Dussehra, Bhaidooj, and Narak Chaturdashi. This festival is known for the ‘triumph of light over darkness,’ it is its spiritual significance. We can also call it Deepawali.

We all know that festivals have a significant role to play in our lives as they inculcate humanity and brotherhood in people. The word Deepawali is originated from two terms such as ‘Deep’ meaning light and ‘awali’ meaning a row.

It defines a row of lights. Before the day of Deepawali, people start preparations and every day has its own significance and rituals. Deepawali falls generally in two months of a year such as October or November. In these days, we see lights, happiness, delights, and zeal everywhere.

Why do we Celebrate Diwali Essay in English

As it has its religious importance, it is celebrated to remember the day, when Lord Ram reached Ayodhya with Sita, his wife, Lakshmana, his brother, and Hanuman, his ardent devotee after killing Ravana, the demon king.

It is its Hindu cultural significance. The residents of Ayodhya, upon the arrival of their king, lighted their houses and streets with oil lamps and celebrated this occasion. Since then, Hindu people have been going with this tradition or ritual.

According to Jainism, they say that Lord Mahavira got salvation or moksha on this day. Based on the Arya Samaj religion, Dayanand Saraswathi also got ‘Nirvana’ in these days. This means that every religion has its own reason and importance to celebrate this day of Deepawali.

How to Celebrate Diwali Essay in English

Every person has his/her own way of celebrating festivals and occasions. When it comes to Deepawali, the common thing people do is to light up their places whether it is a home, a shop, or any other place.

They welcome Goddess Mata Lakshmi to bring good fortune and wealth into their lives. They do prayers to get the blessings of Hindu Gods and Goddesses. Many people start their new business on this special day and pray for a successful year ahead.

Lamps are lit for the whole night in people’s homes as they believe that Goddess Lakshmi will come to their homes and bless them with wealth and happiness. Homes and workplaces look very attractive because of Rangolis and lights.

This complete aura makes this festival more memorable. Before some days of Deepawali, people clean their homes and buy new things to be placed in their homes.

Lots of people like to rejoice in this festival with their loved ones like friends, relatives, and neighbors. They all do get together at one’s place and have fun. They eat different types of delicious dishes like Gulab Jamun, Jalebis, Kajoo Barfi, Karanji, Shakkar Pale, and Kheer.

Children are also very happy on this day as they burst crackers. They keep waiting for many days to have fun on this day as they like to buy new clothes and eat new dishes.

When we hear the word Deepawali, it is all linked to bursting crackers, but it is not in the real spirit of the festival. Despite bursting crackers, the primary motive of Deepawali is to spread happiness everywhere.

Of course, people burst crackers as it has become the trend these days, which should not be there. The reason behind it is that bursting crackers increase the chances of air pollution and pollute the environment.

Fireworks cause damage to the animals in the surroundings. While celebrating this festival, we must all think about the safety of others. This is why the government should impose a proper ban on bursting crackers. Of course, if we all celebrate this festival with our families by staying at home and having a delicious dinner, then we can make it a fantastic occasion.

Festivals are meant to strengthen bonds and relationships between friends and families and Diwali has no exception. People like to give gifts and sweets to the near and dear ones. On this day, there is a national holiday.

The exciting night’s view on the day of Diwali makes us speechless. People release lots of sky-lanterns into the air that goes high and lights up the sky.

As Deepawali involves 5 days long celebration, the 1st day is known as the Dhanteras, the 2nd day is Choti Deepawali or Narak Chaturdashi, the 3rd day is Main Diwali or simply known as Lakshmi Pujan Day. In addition, on the fourth day, the Goverdhan Pujan is being done and lastly, on the 5th day, Bhai Dooj is celebrated.

How I Celebrated Diwali Essay in English

I still remember those days when I celebrated Diwali with my family during my childhood. At that time, I was passionate about crackers and fireworks. But as soon as I grew up, the meaning of celebrating Deepawali has changed for me completely.

Now, I do not like to burst crackers. I just go to my friend’s place and play cards to have fun. Before going, I and my family worships for our prosperity, joy, and wealth. My parents love to help needy people on this auspicious day.

We all visit some places in our city, where most of the poor and needy families live. We distribute some clothes, necessary items, and sweets among them so that they could also take the pleasure of this Deepawali occasion with enjoyment.

Undoubtedly, festivals bring a reason to smile and share our feelings and emotions with our loved ones. Deepawali is such a festival that can help us to gather some memories for a lifetime.

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