Vigilance Awareness Essay in English

Vigilance Awareness Essay in English, Vigilance awareness is an important discussion not only in India but everywhere in the world. It is the time of the year when all the departments of government and PSUs are aimed to observe vigilance awareness week also when the birthday of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel falls and that is October 31st. corruption is our enemy and it is very sad that we have to conduct special days to make people aware of the corruption.

Corruption can engulf countries, it is like a weed that grows at a very rapid speed and can destroy the rights of people. The corruption weed needs to be cut out from our country so that it can flourish. In India, it is a major issue as compared to the other countries and it is bad for our country.

vigilance awareness essay in english
vigilance awareness essay in english

Vigilance Awareness Essay in English

Even one corrupted serviceman can spoil the entire department. It’s just an ugly reality of India that needs to address so that we can get rid of it or do something to wipe it out from our nation. Central vigilance commission pledge prescribes as follows

“I believe that corruption has been one of the major obstacles to economic, social and political progress of our country”

Essay On Vigilance Awareness Week

On 23rd June 2000, the chief vigilance commissioner first mooted the idea of conducting vigilance awareness week. Special reports were conducted where it was mentioned that if India gets holds up on corruption level as similar to the Scandinavian countries our GDP is going to get a hike of 1.5% and FDI will rise up to 12%.

Corruption is considered as anti-poor, anti-national and anti-economic development and it is also mentioned in the letter that the rank of India is 73 out of the 99 countries according to the corruption perception index.  India is not doing well when it comes to corruption. In the year 1999 according to the UNDP report, India is ranked 110 on human development.

Moving on to 2021 the situation got worse and India was ranked 131 according to the corruption perception index India has fallen down to 86 which is not a good score and is less than the global average. The thing is that survey is totally based on the perception index which is a method based on survey.

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These surveys are conducted by big players in the business and MNCs. These are the segments that are aware of the system, but if the surveys will be conducted among ordinary citizens the results are going to be beyond the expectation. 

Ordinary citizens have to deal with the daily challenges, they interact with the officers who are corrupted and this is why they are going to provide a better opinion about what happens in the real world.

The real challenge is to fight against corruption and not to let it expand. People should be reminded about the dangers associated with corruption. Only ordinary citizens can stop corruption. 

Essay on Vigilance Swareness in English

When everyone will stand together and fight against it there will be no corruption. It will never be easy to eliminate corruption, but if we will fight all together the challenges are going to be easy. There are other things that can be done such as building curbing and integrity so that corruption like enemies can be eliminated fast from our nation.

No country can flourish if there will be corruption. Integrity can be developed and this is how we are going to fight corruption. When people start realizing what is right and take a stand for it no matter what is going to be the consequences there is going to be a power among people to stop what is wrong. 

Another way is to educate our population. The more people are going to be educated the lesser is the chance of their characters to get polluted with the weed of corruption.  Within education character building, religious values, and keeping the young minds in the right direction will be a good way to start building honesty within the country.

Black money is a very serious issue in problem in India and there are many books written on this subject. India is not a poor country but issues are different. Black money is with people who lack integrity and just believe in gathering money by hook or by crook. These are corrupted people are threats to the entire system and nation.

Article On Vigilance Awareness week

There are antidotes that we can use against corruption which are democracy and transparency. It is important that there should be clear laws against corruption. When there will be transparency and strict laws there will be fear among people against corruption.

Laws should be unmistakable and clear. There should be simplified procedures for the people to understand. In India there are weak laws and very slow procedures against the culprits and corruption this is also the reason why India is getting ahead in terms of corruption.

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The vigilance awareness week is conducted to prevent corruption, to how much extent this problem has been raised, and what can be done to solve this issue. It is important that we must control this issue because it can hurt everything from the citizens to the nation.

Citizens have their rights and corruption can hinder the progress of the entire nation. When there is corruption in the nation it can negatively impact the energy of the nation. If not controlled it can cause quos, where poor will become more poor and rich, will become richer.

There will be an imbalance in the country’s corruption and should take vigilance and nothing will remain on track. Everyone should join hands together to eliminate corruption. Vigilance awareness should be taken seriously because it is a collective fight.

One or two people cannot fight against this issue. It is a menace and everyone from civilians to government must fight it all together only then we are going to be successful. Awareness is the key to fighting it so more and more people should participate in it and let our nation win over corruption.  We can fight corruption and eliminate it totally.

This is the vigilance awareness essay in English, from this entire article, we cover information regarding vigilance awareness essay competition in English. If found anything missing let us know by commenting below. For more info kindly visit us at

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