Performance Of Police During Covid-19 Essay in English

Performance Of Police During Covid-19 Essay in English There are many times when epidemics have ruined civilizations in history. At the time of the Spanish flu outbreak, there were fifteen million Indians who lost their life. When an epidemic strikes our police department comes under huge stress. They have to fight the epidemic so as to protect their citizens from other issues. In 2019 the entire planet has to face lockdown due to COVID -19 epidemic.

Countries were shut down and still in 2022, there are many Indian states that are partially shut down or completely.  At these times essential services like police departments have to maintain order and control in the Indian states so as to fight the virus itself. They have no excuse to stay at the time of this life-threatening epidemic.

When everyone was sitting in the comfort of their homes police was out there on the streets to maintain lockdown. Police played several roles in these hard times. It is hard for a country with billions of population to maintain isolation. 

Humanity faced terrible times in the COVID 19 pandemic and policemen completed their duties by risking their lives. Many policemen were unable to see their children for months because of the no human contact precautions during Coronavirus.

performance of police during covid-19 essay in english
performance of police during covid-19 essay in english

Performance Of Police During Covid-19 Essay in English

Essay on Role of Police in Covid-19

It was the most horrible time when people lost their loved ones to Coronavirus. Many policemen lost their lives to this deadly virus working on the field to keep people indoors. It was a hard time for India like all the three countries, but we are proud of our essential services department.

Doctors in the hospitals and policemen on the ground made the lockdown successful and helped many families stay safe. police were not only responsible to maintain lockdown during Coronavirus, however, they were also making sure that people with everyday income and low income are getting food to eat.

They reached every village and rural area to feed people every day. They made sure that slums are getting the necessary help. They were working night and day without resting or having food. During this time many videos were circulated on social media platforms where we can see how bravery and dedicatedly policemen served the citizens of India.

This is the time when humanity needs to stand together to stay alive and every sector of countries shows their duties and dedication towards their country.

There were barricades all around and policemen were checking day and night for people who are getting unnecessarily out of their homes. They were arresting people who were violating lockdown restrictions.

They were making sure that the elderly who are living alone are getting their basic necessity needs things on time. This was the time when police action was at its peak. Policemen were fighting at the front line along with doctors and this is was the hardest time ever they might have faced in their lives.

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Role of Police in Covid-19 in India

Police pollution is low in India it is 192 policemen per 100,000 people. Policemen have to go through physical stress as well as mental stress. Policemen used drones to maintain lockdown in the cities. Police were patrolling night and day to make sure people are not gathering around or coming out of their homes.

Policemen were making sure that every Indian citizen who needs help must get help. A policeman also ensured that corona patients are reaching a hospital in time. Every policeman from higher rank to lower rank was distributing from door to door to people.

During this pandemic, we had to follow strict rules and in India, it is very hard to maintain social distancing.  Police were everywhere to make sure people are not breaking this rule. There are shelters made for quarantine where policemen were working day and night to help the laborers and women in the shelter. 

Police were also superseding safety measure messages from street to street from loudspeakers. There were videos of many policemen who were requesting to stay at home during an epidemic in unique ways. Policemen were standing it every citizen of India and making sure everyone gets food to eat and medical help.

Every state police in India was working hard to maintain order in India and constant flow of help to the needy. It was overwhelming for the Indian police and every Indian citizen got a clear message about how strong Indian police is. 

Every day policemen were distributing food and milk packets to people, people assisted many people in finding NGOs in these difficult times. There was huge distress in the slums, but still, police maintain lockdown with the help of local people. Policemen were working with all the departments including local people.

This way policemen and panchayats all together maintain social distancing in the villages and slums where it is hard to convenience people. During the Coronavirus epidemic, police played a crucial role and helped India in this great emergency.

Every policeman was working and stretched to its maximum. There was a wide array of tasks that police had to perform during the past couple of days and still the burden is not over yet. We should be proud of our police department for its bravery and strength to fight this epidemic.

Police was playing a major role then to maintain discipline in the country which is on the list of the largest pollution. Police also used strict measures on some people who were not obeying the rules which were essential.

Every Indian citizen was relying on the police at that time for their basic needs as well. The police are now making sure that every citizen gets vaccinated. After fighting with the COVID-19 pandemic police is now in charge of making sure every Indian is vaccinated to ensure the safety of India. 

Police have played a major role since the pandemic hit India and still, there is a long journey to go to overcome this crisis. Police are in charge of everything marinating discipline; maintaining social distancing, helping people, and also adapting to the new environment. Police have shown a tremendous performance at the time of crisis and every Indian should be proud of their state police.

This is the performance of police during covid-19 essay in English, from this entire article, we cover information regarding the performance of state police during covid-19. If found anything missing let us know by commenting below. For more info kindly visit us at

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