My Class Room Essay In English, A classroom is a place where a student learns with his peers together from a teacher. It seems to be a very interesting and special place for all of us, especially when we are at a childhood age. Today, I am going to share my opinions on My Class Room in the form of an essay. Read more about it:
Students go to classrooms almost every day, whether they are reading in a primary class or 12th standard. I also love my classroom. My class room is like my house. I visit my class room every day as I love to go there.

My Class Room Essay in English
My Classroom Essay
In my class room, I make new memories that I would want to remember till the last day of my life. I study in a very big and reputed school in my city. The name of my school is Jyoti Republic School. It is the most famous school in my city.
In my school, there is a big building that looks very beautiful. There are 4 stories in my school and my class room is located on the first floor. There are 10 classrooms on each floor, except the ground floor. And my classroom is situated in the last of other classes.
My classroom is huge and can accommodate more than 50 students at a time. It is very airy, spacious, and well-ventilated. There are 4 ceiling fans in my classroom. My classroom has everything needed for the comfort zone of students like comfortable benches, fans, etc. the best part is that my classroom also has a noiseless desert cooler available on one side of the room.
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When I see outside of my class room, I can have a perfect view of the playground that is on the ground floor. There are rides in a playground, where I can see little students playing. The playground of my school is well-maintained and cleaned.
There are more than a hundred flower pots and some trees on the ground of my school. This ground gives me a nice and refreshing view from my classroom. When I get bored or feel stressed, I usually see outside of my class and when I see the playground, I feel nature is very close to me and I feel relieved.
I always sit by a window from where I can see outside. My classroom is a place where I and my friends study and share the same attributes and characteristics. I love my classroom very much because it is the place where I learn new things and clear my concepts daily.
My Class Essay
My class room has 4 wide windows and a huge door. There is also a blackboard and cupboard in my classroom. In the cupboard, our teachers put our notebooks and some important stuff, which is useful for both students and teachers. There is also a first-aid kit present in the cupboard of my classroom.
The interior of my classroom looks very exciting and attractive because the walls are decorated with some different paintings that give some meaningful messages to us. My classroom also has pictures of flowers and trees, charts, and a world map on its decorated walls. There is also a timetable for the whole week present on the front wall of my classroom alongside the blackboard.
Once the assembly is over, all students including me rush to our classroom. Students of other classes usually do the same thing. I always love to have a seat on a desk that is placed near a window. The reason is that I want to have a clear view of nature and feel the cool breeze in the surroundings during the morning session. The natural beauty enhances my mind and gives me a sense of relaxation and happiness.
To the south direction of my classroom, an administrative block is located. I usually visit this block daily as my teacher gives me some work to complete. I am a monitor of my classroom and this is why I have to visit this block regularly for some purpose. There are 2 clerks in the administration section of our school. They prepare result cards, as well as progress cards for students.
I always fulfill my duties very well. I try to maintain peace and decorum in my class room. There is a feeling of peace everywhere in my classroom. Students rarely create noise in my class room. In front of the blackboard in my classroom, there is a chair and table made of the wood present, where our teachers sit and check our notebooks.
There are more than 25 benches in my classroom for students. Each desk can accommodate 2 students comfortably. There is a dais adjacent to the blackboard in my classroom, from where our teachers deliver our study sessions.
We all sit facing the blackboard, where our teachers deliver lessons and assign dairy work or homework to us regularly. All of our teachers write homework and some important notice on the blackboard at the end of class so that we can note them down in our dairies.
Classroom Essay in English
In my classroom, there are 40 students, 20 are girls, and others are boys. Some students are very intelligent and god gifted. They always help weak students in my class room. I am a sharp and active student in my classroom. We all share important lessons with each other.
My class room is a lovable place for me. I really enjoy going there. Students try to maintain neatness in my classroom. There are 2 dustbins available in the corner of my class, where students throw papers and wrappers.
In the end, I want to say that my classroom is a peaceful and good place, where we all live, study, and work as a family. We help each other with soul and heart. My classroom is next to my house. This is why my classroom is my favorite after my home. I love it very much.
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