My Bike Essay in English Like any boy at a young age gets fascinated by the charm of a bike. But I think there are many other helpful things that can be done if you have a bike. Young age loves speeds and powerful bikes. Bike riding is also lots of fun. If we use bike safety we can also prevent accidents on the road. I had many things in my mind about which bike to have. I had my own favorites. While growing up I learned many things about the bike.
It was my passion to know more and more about bikes. It is a great journey in our childhood, where we learn to ride a bicycle. Many times I wish to have a bike on my birthdays, but there was only one way to get it and that was to get good marks.
There were many kids in the neighborhood that was getting their bikes. When we learn to ride a bike it is the most thrilling experience. There were many friends who drive bikes and the next step was to choose who will be my teacher.
The good thing about young age is that you get free services from your friends. I was keen on learning because I wanted to enjoy a bike ride on my own. This is something fantastic for everyone who learns to drive for the first time.
My Bike Essay in English
Essay on Bike in English
A bike is a heavy vehicle and we must have lots of strength to handle it. The adrenaline rush in the young is so high that even the thinnest looking guy can ride a bike.
My friend was very good at bike riding so my learning experience was amazing. That time of my life when I learned about bike riding was one of the best experiences in my life. When I recall my first fall with my friend we laugh for hours about that incident.
I was totally shocked and surprised when I fall off the bike for the first time. I was riding solo on my bike. The way I fall was very funny and my friend just died from pain in his stomach. Till today he makes fun of me. But it was a great memory as I was not injured at all.
Everyone falls for the first time so it was encouraging. This is how we make memories, right? My total falls were 4 as balancing the bike was my only problem.
There are many reasons for young people to have a bike. They get the freedom to move around even in the case of emergencies. It is a great mode of transportation that can also get out of the traffic with ease.
Also Read: My Bicycle Essay
The problem with the bike is that many parents don’t like to present the bike to their kids. I also had the same issues. It took plenty of time to convince my parents to get a bike. My father got me my first bike and it was one of the best days of my life.
For every young boy and girl having a bike is a dream at that age. We make lots of excuses to our parents. I used to tell my father how many things I will be able to do on my bike. I can drop you at your office on time. I could bring things easily on my bike. It took lots of buttering to convenience my parents.
Safety is the only problem that scares parents so every boy and girl must know about safety first. There are drying rules which we need to follow. At that age, many people are not sincere and hate rules.
I have broken many rules when I first learn bike riding. But one thing I was always alert about was my safety and the person who is riding with me. I never had any accidents in my life. I always obey rules now and take full care of my safety. On-road, we are not alone and one silly mistake can cause lives.
But I drive my bike carefully and always follow safety rules. This was the first thing my parent asked as a promise for me. I think the majority of the kids can feel the insecurity their parents feel. Bike riding is done on roads and in heavy traffics.
In this case, one should always drive with safety. I always used to wear my helmet first. All the government of all the countries has made it important to wear a helmet while driving. I think everyone must follow this rule seriously.
The majority of the people find it convenient to have a bike for an easy mode of transportation. I also had this thing in my mind. I like to travel on my bike for hours conveniently on my bike. It is also a great exercise as it keeps me fit and fat-free.
I love my bike very much and it was always a passion for me. I have created many sweet memories on my bike. I have helped many on their way and it also gives the thrill of speed.
I have visited many places on my bike and every journey was great. I also have pictures of every road I have traveled on my bike. Bike riding is fabulous and every young people know that. If a bike is used sincerely it can give you amazing memories.
Everyone must educate themselves as bike riding is a great skill to acquire. We also learn many lessons. My first bike gave me many experiences and memories; it was many times an inspiration for me. From small things, you can learn big lessons from your life.
Trying something new is always full of lessons. It can be frightening and the hardest thing you might have done till now because we all learn riding bike in our childhood or teenage. Sometimes we also have the scariest experiences but they also tell us how strong we are. My bike is my inspiration as I have gained many lessons on my way during bike riding.
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