Love Essay in English

Love Essay in English, There are so many feelings that God has given humans like anger, hunger, sadness, guilt, happiness, and love. Out of many feelings love is the most wonderful one. Love can change anyone and we all need love in our life. Love is the essence of our life and no human in this world can live without love. They have someone in their life who loves them. When we are children we get love from our parents and grandparents.

Love Essay in English
Love Essay in English

Love Essay in English

Essay About Love 500 Words

We get love from all around us because adults love babies. There is love inside everyone and when one realizes this feeling he is in a condition to give love. It is very easy to feel love. We feel love for animals and even our plants. Humans can be so compassionate that they also love a non-living things such as their coupes. 

Kids love their toys, animals also love their toys and blankets, grandparents love their grandchildren, mother loves their babies, and artist loves their tools.  We all love someone or something in life.

Just imagine how dull and dark this world will be if there is no love. Love can change a bad person into a good human being. There are many stories in the world about how love changed their life.  Love is a fact and it is universal. We get attracted to those who offer us genuine love because it is powerful.  No matter how in a bad mood we are if someone talks to us nicely with lovable words our anger can simply melt. These show how powerful love is.

Love can make our willpower strong with the aid of which we can even heal our disease. It is proven scientifically that if we show love to plants, we sing songs to them, sing a lullaby to them, and just by simply speaking positive words around a plant can make it grow healthy and rapidly.  On the other hand, side if talk opposite of love it can destroy the life of the plant

When a plant can feel love then why do humans stay away from it. Love is a beautiful feeling and love is everywhere. When we worship our god we feel love. Love is not just a simple emotion but a divine energy.

Essay on Love in English

Love can change anything and anyone. It can turn the tables and the beauty of love is that everyone understands the language of love. We cannot teach love because love is inside our hearts. We take birth with love and from our first breath, we start getting love.

Every human being and other creatures on this earth crave love. It is the basic and the most important need of our life.  When a child takes birth it is unfamiliar with love but easily understands love. Love makes relationships stronger and selfless love is all that we need.  When we grow up we share the love with our friends, teachers, and guides. 

We share the love with our neighbors and no one can deny the feeling of love. Love is the strongest vibration in the universe.  If one gets successful living in the frequency of love he starts attracting love.

Love makes people strong because if we have love we can easily forgive those whom we love. Love makes us strong when we lose hope in our lives; we listen to people and help them find solutions. Everything inside human changes when he is in the vibration of love. We start our life with love and during our entire life, we get and share the love. Earth is a beautiful place and we must be thankful for our mother planet and all the love she has.

Short Essay About Love

Love makes society and communities stronger because people live in brotherhood.  Society gets more developed when people listen to each other. They respect each other and help in each other’s progress. If we have love in us feeling like forgiveness, patience, and humility are automatically enhanced in us. Love can change the thoughts of religion and community.

The world we are living in needs more and more love. There are many unfortunate humans on this planet who are unaware of this feeling. There are old age homes, there are animal shelters, there are orphanages and this is what we need to change.

When all these organizations will shut down it will be the greatest achievement of humanity. Only love can make this possible. Love is the most meaningful and deepest sentiment we humans have.

We need love to survive through the challenges of our existence. No human on this earth can live a happy life without love. We can have all the money in this world, we can have all the comfort of the world, we can have all the delicious food to eat, we can have expensive clothes and shoes, but if we don’t have love all these things will be meaningless. 

When we are sick nothing comforts us but the lovely voice of our mother can ease all the pain and discomfort we are feeling at that moment. This is because love is a medicine in itself and it can heal any stress, anxiety, sadness, unacceptable feeling, or no matter what is troubling us.

 A person who has love around him will always be the most successful and the happiest one.  He will not have to worry about anything because love holds the power. It can make you popular, it can make you smart, it can make you learn and it can make you a good person. It is important for everyone to share the love. 

We can share our love with animals and help them. We can share the love with people who need it the most and inspire them. Love is a thread that can connect every human being with each other. Our planet will become heaven and there will be no crime, no tears, and sadness on this earth.  It is impossible but all those who have love in their dream about such a world.

This is love essay in english, from this entire article, we cover information regarding long essay about love. If found anything missing let us know by commenting below. For more info kindly visit us at

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