Jallianwala Bagh Essay in English, India has gone through many struggles in its history and some wounds can never be healed like Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. Jallianwala Bagh incident has a major impact on the heart of India and we still talk about and children read it in books. Jallianwala Bagh incident took place in the year 1919 and was the most painful incident that happened due to the British rule.
This incident was brutal because thousands of innocent Indians were assassinated by the British rulers. Jallianwala Bagh was an extreme incident and even talking about it in 2022 is painful. No Indian wants to remember it but the impact of this incident is intensely powerful in the heart and minds of Indians. On the 13th of April, this dark day took place and thousands of Indians were brutally murdered.
The incident happened in Amritsar which is a city in the Punjab state. On this day thousands of people gathered in Jallianwala Bagh to protest. People were protesting peacefully wishing to be free from British rule, but this peaceful protest took a dark turn. There were men, women, children, and even the elderly who were protesting against the anti-Indian policies and British atrocities.
Reginald dyer is responsible for the Jallianwala Bagh massacre who was military commander at that time. He entered the park along with his troops and without any warning, he ordered to open fire on the protesting crowd.

Jallianwala Bagh Essay in English
Essay on Jallianwala Bagh Massacre Essay
Jallianwala Bagh incident is something we wish to forget but it is impossible. Thousands of Indians were brutally murdered by the general dyer. The crowd panicked and rushed to the exit but the passages were narrow and everyone was stuck inside the narrow passages.
Bullets were coming right at them and to escape bullets people started rushing to exit the place. Many died due to suffocation and stampede. This day is the darkest day in the history of India when many innocent men, women, and children lost their lives in a very painful manner.
Jallianwala Bagh Paragraph
Jallianwala Bagh was the conspiracy of a general dyer who took the lives of children women and men. These people were innocent and only wish to get free from the cruel rule of the British. They were protesting against the Rowlett act general dyer blocked all the exit gates of Jallianwala Bagh and open fire was ordered by him.
The situation was horrible because there were scary sounds of bullets firing and this firing continued for ten minutes. It ended until all the ammunition was empty in the body of Indians and thousands lost their lives. Bollywood has made movies on Jallianwala Bagh and by watching these movies it is very easy to feel the pain of our brothers and sisters who lost their lives in the brutal massacre.
Many were killed due to direct hits by bullets and others died in the stampede. 13th April 1919 was the day when Indians were killed brutally by the British army and it was a shameful act. It completely eliminated the concept of humanity because one human killed thousands of others brutally by trapping them in the park. Dyer killed many children who were there just to protest.
Indians were fighting for their rights and for their survival in their own country. Indians were killed in their motherland which included thousands of innocent souls. This act was shameful for all humans.
Jallianwala Bagh Hatyakand Essay in English
It was a more shameful act for the Indians because the troops that opened fire on protestors were soldiers from the Gorkha and Sikh regiments. The guns were in the hands of Indians and the bullets came out from them which killed their own brothers and sisters. Without any hesitation soldiers of India opened fire on people who were empty-handed.
They were not having any guns, or shields on them that could protect them from bullets coming right at them. This is a scary thought and we all Indians are shameful of this. Dyer ordered Indian soldiers and the crowd was shot dead. Every single soul that was peacefully protesting died on this dark day.
The guns were in the hands of the Indian soldiers who were loyal to British rulers at that time. Dyer was a devil who ordered his troops to kneel down and fire so that maximum causalities can take place. Soldiers reloaded many times to shoot protestors. 120 bodies were also recovered from the well. This well is located in the center of the Jallianwala Bagh. Many jumped into the well to escape from bullets but died.
This brutal act of dyer got mixed reactions from all over the world. It is hard to say who is responsible for this shameful act because leaders like Gandhi justified the brutal act of dyer by sitting dyer was saving lives of Britishers who were living in the Amritsar city at that time. This is a serious question which we must speak about how a peacefully gathered mob just protesting in peace is a threat to the Britishers.
The crowd mainly had women and children in it. No one ever answered this important question neither Gandhi nor the dyer. It was a crystal clear murder of thousands of Indians who were naïve and innocent. They never suspected what is going to happen next. On 13th April 1919 was the day of Baisakhi which is a major festival in Punjab.
The crowd was given no warning and what they got was bullets coming right at them. The crowd panicked and lost their lives in a painful manner. Dyer said that he did this to teach Indians about obeying but no one ever justified the death of thousands of Indians who got bullets in return. Jallianwala Bagh incident shook many freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh. Jallianwala Bagh massacre made him angry and he took the stand and became a brave freedom fighter that was afraid of nothing.
Jallianwala Bagh massacre is a very sad and hurting incident for Indians and the fact is Indians were also responsible for this dark day. It is a dark day that we can never get out of history and our lives.
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