Essay on Modern Indian Woman in English, Men and women are the only two genders in the world and they are considered the two wheels of society and this is how everything works. If one wheel gets broken or hurts it is impossible to run the society. Well, in the modern world the role of women has become equally responsible. In the ancient period of time women had huge respect. They were even worshipped and men had huge respect for women.

Essay on Modern Indian Woman in English
Status of Women in India Essay
There are many temples that are dedicated to goddesses of ancient times. As time passed by women became dependent on men. Women even lost all their rights and were just confined to the houses. There was even a period when a girl child was married to an elder man. Women were not allowed to participate in any functions or tasks at all.
Women had a very bad conditions in India. They were not also having any right to education. They cannot get out of their homes and work. Women were also burnt along with their deceased husbands and this culture was called sati in ancient times.
Windows of India were brutally treated by their in-laws and society. They had to shave their heads and had to live a very simple life and eat simple food. The majority of the families used to kill the girl child in the womb because gild child was always considered a burden on the family. This was the condition of women in ancient times but now the time has changed.
Modern Indian Woman Essay
A modern woman is considered equal to men. In India rules and laws have changed and now women are erring more powerful than men. Today we can see women in every field speak about space science, courtrooms, TVs, radios, newspapers, entrepreneurs; politicians women have marked their places in every arena. Now we have girls’ schools where girls can get an education.
There are scholarships for brilliant girl students and many more perks initiated by the government of India for women. Now in all respect women as equal to men. Women have proved that if women can bear the pain of giving birth to a child, can nurture him, and take care of him then they can also take all the other challenges into their hands and can even beat them with grace. Today we can see women working as well as taking care of their homes.
It is a phrase that there is a woman behind a very successful man and it is definitely not wrong as women have proved it. Modern Indian women have shown glory and grace in every field. There are millions of stories about women attaining achievements and doing brave tasks.
Women in India Essay
In India, we have women cricketers, women models, women wrestlers, women astronauts, women political leaders, successful housewives taking care of their family, teachers, and principals in schools and all this means women is no more second to men. She deserves to stand by the men and help in running the wheel of society.
Modern India certainly needs the assistance of women. Women have patience, women have nurturing power and infinite love, women have patience and this is why today’s modern omen is more active in all the fields as compared to men.
Once women had to sacrifice everything. She had to face harassment, curses like sati, dowry, and childhood marriage traumas. Now the world has changed and women have decided to no longer show their weakness.
In Modern India, women are having equal rights as men do but still there are some issues in our society. India is still a country where women are suffering. There are many areas in India where girl child is still being killed. There are women who are forced into unwanted professions. A girl child has to still sacrifice her education because her parent’s things that her brother’s education is more important.
We might be talking about modern Indian women but still, there are issues concerned with women in some parts of the world. Modern Indian women will be free and independent only on the day when every sin against her will be eliminated from the people of India. Women are one strong pillar that helps the building of a nation.
Our India will never progress if its women will have to face suffering in modern times. There are women of India who have stepped on the moon and on the other side there are women who cannot step outside their house without men by their side. There are still many loopholes in several Indian societies.
There are still people who are jealous of the freedom of women. In India, there are families who are still forcing their daughters to marry against their will. Time is changing and we can just hope that condition of women will also change. We have seen huge changes in the condition of women from the Vedic times to the modern times.
There are still many issues that need to be addressed. Women in India are still not safe and this has to change. Many women fear talking against men which we need to change.
Education is the most important thing and both males and females have equal rights to gain an education. When people will get an education their perspective toward women will change. The change is taking place but it is gradual. It is time to pace this change and give equal rights to modern Indian women so that our nation can develop.
Women are getting out of their cocoon and speaking which is a good thing for our India. she can now fight for her rights and thankfully there are organizations and people who come in support of the women now without fearing any other pressure.
Modern Indian women have started realizing their importance and worth. today she can speak for herself. She has now the right to vote, and education and can work in any field according to her eligibility. In some urban areas issues with women still exists which we need to address.
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