Essay on Constitution of India in 1000 Words, India is a democratic country and the constitution is the backbone of our nation. In simple words, a constitution can be defined as a set of rules which guides the administration of the country. Our country is unique country in many ways. India is also the biggest democratic country in the world and is what we also have the longest constitution in the entire world.
Out constitution describes the procedures and powers of the federal and political principles framework as well. On 26th November 1949, the constitution was written and it came into action on 26th January 1950 today it is celebrated as the republic day of India. It was never easy to the built constitution of India.
Essay on Constitution of India in 1000 Words
Essay on Constitution of India in 700 Words in English
There were many discussions and debates made by the representatives of our nation. After a very long period, our constitution was made. In the entire world, we see that the constitution of India is the most detailed one. It is very easy to notice that no other country has done so many details will establish their constitution.
In the year 1946, a constitution assembly framed our constitution. Dr. Rjendra Prasad was the president of the constitution assembly of India. Then one more committee was established which was the drafting committee and the job of which was to draft the constitution Dr. Bheem Rao Ambedkar was elected its chairman.
It took about 144 days to complete the constitution and it was spread in the entire country for over two years, eleven months, and eighteen days. In the Indian constitution some of the silent features of the French, Irish, Canadian, Swiss, American, and British were incorporated. There are many features of the constitution of India and initially, it had just basic principles and ideas of the constitution.
Short Essay on Indian Constitution
Our constitution is the longest constitution in the entire world and this is something that is unique. Our constitution is the lengthiest and there are 395 articles which are 22 parts and eight schedules written at the time of instigation. Today there are 448 articles in 25 parts and 12 schedules. There are even 104 amendments recently on 25th January 2020 to the extent the reservation seats of the STs and SCs in the Loakh Sabha.
Another unique feature of the Indian constitution is that our constitution is not at all rigid like the American constitution and is even not as flexible as the British constitution. All this means that our constitution can be easily changed if necessary and it can also grow with time. A preamble is also added to the Indian constitution which means the original constitution written did not have a preface.
The preface states that our country is a socialist, self-governing, democratic republic, and secular. There is an objective behind setting this preface and that is to secure our country when it comes to justice, equality, and liberty for all the Indians and to also promote fraternity to maintain the integrity and unity of the country.
In India, the government is not the only one that holds all the power in fact it is divided among the state and central governments. According to the Indian constitution, this power is divided into 3 state organs which are the executive, judiciary, and legislature. Our constitution supports the federal system. Our constitution also includes unitary features like emergency provisions, a strong central power, the appointment of governors by our president, and many others.
Importance of Indian Constitution Essay
Talking about the fundamental rights of the citizens our constitution offers an elaborated list of them to the Indians. There is also a list of duties which are eleven in the number of the citizens. These are called fundamental duties. Some of these duties are respect for our national anthem and our national flag, maintaining the unity and integrity of the country, and responsibly using public property.
India is a republic country which means there is no king or dictator. The authority of the public is composed of, by, and for the individuals. After every five years, there are elections held where citizens elect their leader. There are instructions provided to all the citizens in the constitution that helped our country in achieving the status of a republic across the world.
Constitution of India Essay in English
Due to the constitution of India, the citizens of the country are safe, and independent and have many rights to enjoy. In India, people are not slaves of the political leaders and they can take the positions of the political leaders as well anytime.
The president is the nominal head of the state and in actual practice, the country is run by the prime minister and the council of other ministers. We have a parliament in India and it is run by the council of ministers. All the citizens enjoy their fundamental rights such as the right to peak, right to freedom, right to equality, right against exploitation, cultural and educational rights, right to freedom of religion, and right to constitutional remedies.
Our constitution is free to choose principles and directions which will help us establish more. Now the times have changed and we cannot run our country like in older times. This is why there are emergency provisions in our constitution to deal with such times. There are both fundamental rights and duties for all the citizens of India and those who don’t follow the rules and regulations of the Indian constitution have to pay the penalty or the punishment.
There are significant laws and guidelines and the entire country is running on them. If we will not have a constitution there will be no rules or regulations and the entire country will shut down. Criminals will take over the country and average citizens will have to face its consequences.
Our constitution is not biased and gives freedom and equality to all its citizens alike. India has the most detailed constitution and it can also be mended when it is the requirement of the time. Every Indian must follow the constitution and fulfill their fundamental duties in order to make our country successful and more developed.
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