Essay On Buffalo in English, Nature has given us so many valuable gifts and since the time humans have evolved we are taking advantage of it. We have plants from which we get shelter, food, water, and uncountable things. Then we have domestic animals like buffalo. Buffalo is a large domestic animal and herbivorous which means it only eats grass. Buffalo has helped humans from the beginning and we get lots of things from this humble animal.
It is extremely useful for animals. Buffalo is black in color with four limbs and a tail. Buffalos are also having horns which make them look scary. There are many different types of buffalos and they are found in all the different parts of the world. In some rural areas, humans still sow their fields with the help of buffalo instead of using tractors and other machines on their fields.
Essay On Buffalo in English
Buffalo Essay in English
Buffalos are heavy animals with lots of strength and can plow any field instantly. In different parts of the world, humans use them for milk, for dragging heavy things, and for other domestic purposes.
On some farms, people even breed buffalos for their advantage. In foreign countries, people also eat the meat of buffalo. In India, we worship cows and respect all domestic animals and it is illegal to harm buffalos in India. Indians do not eat the meat of buffalos for sacred reasons.
Buffalos have lots of strength and this is why they can drag heavy types of machinery as well as vehicles. In India buffalo are used to plow fields. Buffalos are harmless to humans and they also clear fields having unwanted grass. They are left in the meadows and fields to gaze.
The continents like Africa and Asia have the pure and true breeds of buffalos. All the different subspecies of buffalos serve humans in some sort of form. Some use them for breeding healthy female buffalos for their milk.
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Some use them for meat and others use them to fulfill their domestic purposes. In either way, this huge and humble animal has always helped humanity to ease their lives. Buffalo milk is also used in making many eateries and dairy products.
Short Essay on Buffalo in English
Buffalos can live up to thirty years if they are provided with good living conditions. There are many farms all around the world where the breeding of healthy buffalos is done. The healthy and strong buffalos also have good rates in the market.
Buffalos are very helpful domestic animals and this is why humans keep them close. In villages of India, it is very common to see buffalos and cows in homes. Buffalos are having humps on their back similar to camels and this is how they can be different from a cow.
The female buffalo is known as a cow and the male buffalo is known as a bull. Buffalos are usually black in color, but there are other colors like light brown and white. The gestation period of this animal is like humans which is nine months.
Buffalos are both wild and domestic, but they are very powerful and normally calm. In the wild, we can find the species of wild buffalos. Wild buffalos are very powerful and even faster. They move in herds and can also be seen fighting in the wild. Buffalos do indulge in the fight when their young ones are in danger.
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The kick of the buffalos can be fatal. The wild buffalos also have huge horns which can pierce even the hardest skin shields. Buffalos also love water and love to spend their time in water bodies. Buffalos find themselves extremely comfortable standing in the rain because they enjoy the water. Buffalos are usually calm in the domestic environment, but in the wild they are dangerous.
Essay on Buffalo in English for Class 1
Buffalos are breaded in the domestic environment for milk. Their milk is highly nutritious and people even drank buffalo milk daily to get buffalo-like strength. The milk of buffalo is full of nutrition and has a huge amount of calcium in them.
This is why it is recommended to drink buffalo milk in case of calcium deficiency. Children are advised to drink milk because it helps in physical and mental development. At the time of growing age buffalo milk is highly beneficial. The difference between cow milk and buffalo milk is that buffalo milk is thicker. However, the fact is that cow’s milk is better than buffalo milk.
In India, we can often see buffalo roaming in the streets and are around us for more than five thousand years now. Buffalo produces a grunting sound that is different from a cow. It is easy to differentiate a cow from buffalo because it has huge horns, hooves in the legs, and a hump at the back.
10 Lines on Buffalo in English
Buffalo is a large animal and so is its consumption of food. A healthy male buffalo can eat up to ten kilos of fodder every day. There are more than 11o million buffalo in India. Some are roaming in the streets, some are in the wild and others are with humans for their domestic roles. Buffalos can swim easily even in the deep water.
Some buffalos can get wild and when they are angry they are very dangerous. Many accidents have been reported where buffalo attacks humans. They live on the streets which can be stressful for them. In such cases they attack humans otherwise they are calm and extremely humble animals.
There is one breed called Cape buffalo and this breed is born with the ability to kill a lion which is the king of the jungle. Buffalos are today being used as a business because everything about them is valuable.
They give milk which can be sold. They are used for their skin, meat, and even horns. Buffalo is also trained for bullfighting in some countries where it is legal. In India, buffalos hold religious importance and they are also part of our festivals and rituals. In south India buffalos are worshiped and raised with proper care. We should respect this animal and protect it.
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