Essay On Albert Einstein For Students, Albert Einstein was one of the most popular and influential thinkers of the 20th century. He was an individual, who was best known for his theory of relativity. His ideas have been applied to different fields like particle physics, biology, and cosmology. He was a great physicist who developed the famous theory of relativity. He was a celebrated scientist at that time. In this post, we are going to talk about the life of Albert Einstein and his achievements:
Essay On Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein Essay in English
Short Essay on Albert Einstein: The early life of Albert Einstein
He was born in Germany on 14th March 1879. His family was a Jewish family. He had to deal with different speech difficulties at an early stage. But there is no doubt in saying that he was a brilliant student when he was in elementary school.
His father’s name was Hermann Einstein, who was the founder of an electrical equipment manufacturing company and in this invention, his father was supported by his brother.
When he was 5 years old, his father showed him a pocket compass. He made his efforts to realize that the needle was moving because of something in empty space. It was shared by Albert Einstein himself that this experience left a long-lasting and deep impression on him.
When he was at the age of 10, he got introduced to well-known science and philosophy texts in 1889. It was happened because of a family friend, whose name was Max Talmud.
He liked to spend his time on books. He read many books such as Kant’s ‘Euclid Elements,’ and ‘Critique of Pure Person.’ From the second book, he got to know about deductive reasoning. When he entered the age of 12, he was capable of learning Euclidian Geometry from a school booklet.
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It was the dream of his father to make him enter the world of engineering. He wanted Albert Einstein to pursue electrical engineering. But, an argument took place between Albert Einstein and authorities. The reason behind this clash was that he had resentment for rote learning, as per Albert Einstein, it was against creative thought.
Her mother was a housewife. However, she was enough educated. In the early days of his schooling, he was not a bright student. It made him disqualified to carry on his education at the school.
The school administration issued him a departure certificate and sent Albert Einstein to his family. However, when he got another chance to study at school, he became brilliant in his studies. His IQ was too good.
Education at the university level
For university-level education, he moved to Switzerland and then returned to Germany after finishing his studies. The situation of Jews in Germany was miserable in Hitler’s practice. After that, he started traveling to the USA and from where he returned back in 1933. In America, he worked on developing an atom bomb in the practice of President, Roosevelt.
Albert Einstein saw the disaster of his atom bomb in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. This is how he became offended as he wished to utilize the power for peace in the world. He worked for peace throughout his life. He became a permanent resident of the USA in 1940. He started his mission to put the world into words there. At the same time, he experienced a slew of issues so that he could stand out from the crowd.
His achievements
He was sharp in mathematics. In 1894, his father’s business got failed, which made them leave Germany and shifted to Italy. He was only 15 at this time. During this time, he worked on ‘The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields.’ It was his first scientific work.
His work was being published in a paper, which was all about the capillary forces of straw in the high-status ‘Annalen der Physik.’ Moreover, he did his graduation from ETH with a diploma in teaching.
When he was working in the patent office in 1905, there occurred the publishing of 4 papers by him in the prestigious journal ‘Annalen der Physik.’ All four papers were recognized by experts as his great achievements.
Hence, people call the year 1905 the wonderful year of Albert Einstein. These 4 papers were photoelectric effect, special relativity, the equivalence of matter and energy, and Brownian motion. He was also a discoverer of the popular equation, E = mc².
In 1915, he completed the theory of relativity. This theory got confirmed by British astronomer, Sir Arthur Eddington, when the solar eclipse occurred in 1919. He carried on his research works and finally, in the year of 1921, the efforts made by Albert Einstein bore fruits. Most importantly, he got a Nobel Prize in Physics, he was awarded for his services to theoretical physics.
His married life
In the year of 1903, he got married to a girl named Mileva Mavec, who was a science student in Yugoslavia. Albert Einstein was used to taking his child in a stroller when he went for a walk.
During walking, he always had a notebook with him where he could jot down his ideas on the way. Albert Einstein always thought about science, especially physics and mathematics. That particular notebook had many solutions related to the problems of the universe.
His books
If we start talking about the books written by Albert Einstein, then there will be no words and we will be able to fill a library because there were many written by him.
Albert Einstein Essay in English 100 Words
He spent his entire life carrying out different research works. He died on 18th April 1955. His contribution to the field of physics is invaluable. The special thing about his contributions is that his theories and ideas are still convincing for various physicists. They get inspired by his achievements regarding his theories.
The legacy in the physics of Albert Einstein is long-lasting. His life along with his achievements work as an inspiration for those who want to see their career in the field of science. He will be the motivator for young science enthusiasts. His whole life was motivating.
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