Docteur Boga Sako Gervais Biographie, Wikipedia, Age, There are millions of successful people in this world, who have done a lot for people and humanity. People still remember them for different reasons. So, in this post, we are going to talk about Boga Sako Gervais, who was considered the defender of human rights. Let’s discuss how he helped society in detail:
Who is Boga Sako Gervais? Dr. Boga Sako Gervais is a teacher and researcher at the University of Côte d’Ivoire. At the same time, he is a member of the National Human Rights Commission of Côte d’Ivoire. He is the author of the book, which was published in L’Harmattan in 2007.
Docteur Boga Sako Gervais Biographie, Wikipedia, Age
Docteur Boga Sako Gervais Wikipedia
He was born on December 27, 1971, in Divo, which is the capital of the Loh-Djiboua Region located in the southwest of Côte d’Ivoire. This place is situated in French West Africa. When it comes to the family of Boga Sako Gervais, he is a married man. He has three children.
For his beliefs, in particular his connection to the values of Human Rights, and also the respect for the Constitution and sovereignty of his country, he was compelled into exile as soon as the post-crisis came in the 2010-2011 election.
Certainly, the supporters of Mr. Alassane Ouattara who were assisted by the international community criticized Boga Sako Gervais for having taken a position in support of Mr. Laurent Gbagbo.
The reason behind it is that Boga Sako Gervais was an activist for human rights. Having this position, Boga Sako Gervais supported the decision of the Constitutional Council, which proclaimed the concluding results of the 2010 presidential election should be appreciated.
In addition, Boga Sako Gervais knocked everywhere on the set of the television, Latin formula, such as dura lex, and sed lex. It means that the law is hard, but it is the law. He believed in this saying. There is a lot to know about Boga Sako Gervais.
Moreover, through broadcasts on Ivorian RTI (Radio Television) where he was often a guest, he accused the UN and France of devising a violation of the sovereignty of Côte d’Ivoire. They disregarded the Ivorian Constitutional Council. Based on that, they advocated a military and armed solution to this democratic and hence political crisis.
Side by side, Boga Sako Gervais as the Human Rights Defender will speak out against some measures of the international society focused on suffocating the then management and hence compelling the President of the Republic Laurent Gbagbo to get rid of power.
He named some things like the closing of banks, as well as the drug embargo. Due to it, the deaths of many civilians took place. After that, the offices of the human rights organization of the Boga Sako Gervais named FIDHOP were attacked as well as ransacked two times, first in March and then in April 2011. At that time, he also got some messages related to a death threat.
Parting Côte d’Ivoire to go into émigré was then the only option for saving and salvation, to live, and carry on to criticize the illegalities, injustices, and violations of human rights that regularly occur in the country.
On April 11, 2011, President Gbagbo got arrested. After this arrest, Boga Sako Gervais managed to challenge fear by replying on behalf of his NGO to an offer from the cabinet of the new Head of State, Alassane Ouattara, accepted by the international country.
He managed to attend a ceremony to launch 3 days of national grief that the latter had commanded from May 17 to May 19 in 2011 just before his installation that was decided for May 21 in Yamoussoukro.
It was after the occurrence of this ceremony on the walkway of the Presidential Palace, in the attendance of the major rebel leaders. This is how Boga Sako Gervais acted on his decision to leave the nation so that he could avoid the worst.
Hence, all thanks to a visa specifically got from the Italian Embassy in Côte d’Ivoire, Boga Sako Gervais miraculously boarded for Milan, Italy, on June 10, 2011, in the night, after a brief stopover for 3 hours in Casablanca.
In 10 years of deportee from 2011 to 2021, cheers to the many books Boga Sako Gervais has published and with many TV or radio broadcasts, or conferences he has hosted during the major European capitals as well as in the United States.
Almost every 2nd weekend, and also the through the Press Releases and Declarations criticizing all violations of Human Rights, which Boga Sako Gervais frequently signs on behalf of his structures, he has never stopped to defend his positions and structures, in support of Minister Charles Ble Goude.
And President Laurent Gbagbo, until their final exoneration at the ICC or International Criminal Court and their total release, Boga Sako Gervais has always fortified the sovereignty of Côte d’Ivoire. He decided to return from exile in 2021.
Who is Boga Sako Gervais?
Dr. Boga Sako Gervais is a teacher and researcher at the University of Côte d’Ivoire. At the same time, he is a member of the National Human Rights Commission of Côte d’Ivoire. He is the author of the book, which was published in L’Harmattan in 2007.
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